Sunday, August 10, 2008

Report # 1: Delays, lax Record-Keeping and Inflated Legal Fees

“In 1987, Comptroller Edward V. Regan and Attorney General Robert Abrams -- determined that record-keeping was in disarray, property was warehoused chaotically and outside lawyers were awarded windfall fees for minimal legal work. The report also said that there were serious delays in completing cases and that money from estates was deposited improperly into accounts used to pay for some of the public administrator's office expenses.” –NY Times September, 7 1996

John Reddy got his first job from resigned counsel Joseph T. Arenson. Reddy and Bekerman are law partners, and were members of Arenson law firm, Reddy started working for Arenson in the Surrogate Court PA counsel office from 29 years ago. Today Reddy has Arenson’s old job as counsel to the PA.

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